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Get started


At anocca we have developed a suite of npm packages used in our internal tooling to display DNA and protein sequences. These packages are published under the @anocca/sequence-viewer-* namespace. Have a look at our list of packages.

Quick start

To get started quickly you can add @anocca/sequence-viewer-app which exports the SequenceViewerApp.

SequenceViewerApp is a react component with the linear and circular viewer. It includes:


# peer dependencies
npm i react-icons @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled formik
# app
npm i @anocca/sequence-viewer-app @anocca/sequence-viewer-backend-react-state

@anocca/sequence-viewer-app also requires react-icons, @mui/material, @emotion/react, @emotion/styled and formik.

Unless you already use these packages in your project the sequence-viewer-app should only be used to get started quickly or to prototype.

See Usage without material UI and formik to use the @anocca/sequence-viewer-* suite of libraries without third party libraries (except react).

See Usage without react to use the @anocca/sequence-viewer-* suite of libraries without any third party library, only vanilla js.


import {SequenceViewerApp} from '@anocca/sequence-viewer-app';
import {useBackend} from '@anocca/sequence-viewer-backend-react-state';
import {AnnotationForm} from '@anocca/sequence-viewer-react-mui-formik-form';

function MyAmazingSequenceViewers() {

// The annotation backend allows us to store, edit and delete annotations.
// The `useBackend` simply stores all annotations in the component state.
// Scroll down in the tutorial to read about creating your own backend.
const annotationBackend = useBackend();

return (
// Sequence must be an uppercase string of nucleotides or amino acids.
// A component which will render the form used to create and edit annotations
// A fixed width and height is required
// If using an amino acid sequence set the `isProtein` prop to true.
// protein sequence

Creating your own annotation backend

An annotaion backend should implement the following interface:

interface AnnotationBackend {
annotations: Annotation[];
getAnnotationLabelById: (id: string) => string;
getAnnotationById: (id: string) => Annotation;
addAnnotation: (annotation: Annotation) => void;
deleteAnnotations: (ids: string[]) => void;
showAnnotations: (ids: string[]) => void;
hideAnnotations: (ids: string[]) => void;
updateAnnotation: (annotation: Annotation) => void;
const annotationBackend: AnnotationBackend = {
/* create your backend here */