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Home > @anocca/sequence-viewer-react-shared > ControllerProps

Props for the CircularController and the LinearController component


export declare type ControllerProps = {
width: number;
height: number;
sequence: string;
annotations: Annotations;
codons: {
[k: string]: string;
Search?: SearchComponent;
FilterChromatogram?: FilterChromatogramType;
openAnnotationDialog?: (annotationId: string) => void;
isProtein: boolean;
chromatogramData?: ChromatogramData;
children?: (props: {
canvas: React.ReactNode;
search?: React.ReactNode;
filterChromatogram?: React.ReactNode;
selectedAnnotations: string[];
circularSelections: CircularSelection[];
setCircularSelection: (annotationId: string | undefined, cc: CircularSelection[]) => void;
clickedAnnotation?: string;
canvasRef: (buffer: HTMLCanvasElement | null) => void;
zoomToSearchResult: (nextViewRange: SelectionRange, zoom: boolean) => void;
setSearchResults: (value: React.SetStateAction<{
start: number;
end: number;
active: boolean;
complement: boolean;
}[]>) => void;
}) => React.ReactNode;

References: Annotations, SearchComponent, FilterChromatogramType, ChromatogramData, CircularSelection, SelectionRange